Holy Cross Mission
Holy Cross School is a faith-centered community fostering lives of service, integrity, and life-long learning. We are committed to Catholic education founded on Gospel centered values and the teachings and traditions of the Catholic Church. We are called to be Christ for others and to see Christ in others.
Upcoming Events
wednesday, february 12 - Mass to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the Diocese of Peoria
8:15 am - holy cross church
wednesday, february 12 - 2:00 early dismissal
thursday, february 13 - The seventh grade basketball team won both games on saturday, so they will play for first in state tonight!
at 7:30 pm, join them @ Normal Kingsley JH, 303 Kingsley St, Normal, IL
or Watch here.
friday, february 14 - "hearts on fire" red shirt day
students may wear a red shirt or Valentine's Day-themed shirt for a $1 donation to the FIRE Foundation.
monday, february 17 - no school - presidents day
wednesday, february 19 - winter sports pictures
Beginning at 3:15 pm - holy cross gym
saturday, february 22 - ptc trivia night & silent auction
5:00 pm - HCS doors open; 7:00 pm - trivia begins
register here.
wednesday, february 26 - orange "no bullying" shirt day
saturday, march 8 - hc+ spring dance - 6th-8th grades
7:00 - 9:00 pm - Holy cross gym
friday, march 14 - Quarter 3 ends
monday, march 17 - friday, march 21 - no school
spring break
friday, may 23 - last day to order 2024-2025 yearbook
order here. order code:90965Q
Our Aquaponics Lab has been up and running for well almost three years. We've primarily harvested lettuce but have also experimented with carrots, radishes, basil, and even a few tomatoes and peppers.
What is aquaponics?
8:15 am - holy cross church
at 7:30 pm, join them @ Normal Kingsley JH, 303 Kingsley St, Normal, IL
or Watch here.
students may wear a red shirt or Valentine's Day-themed shirt for a $1 donation to the FIRE Foundation.
Beginning at 3:15 pm - holy cross gym
5:00 pm - HCS doors open; 7:00 pm - trivia begins
register here.
7:00 - 9:00 pm - Holy cross gym
spring break
order here.
What is aquaponics?