PreK - 2nd focuses on learning and demonstrating the basic elements of music: steady beat, rhythm, and melody through dancing, singing, and composing.
Grades 3- 5 apply the basic elements of music in order to learn how to play instruments and compose their own pieces of music. A study in music history is also explored.
During the first semester, all music students prepare for our Veterans Day and Christmas concerts.


Sixth through eighth grade choral ensembles focus on the development of vocal technique and comprehensive choral musicianship. Members are exposed to a wide range of music literature with an emphasis on quality concert performances several times throughout the year.
Fifth graders are invited to choose an instrument and join Beginning Band where they will apply the basic music elements they have learned in class to their instruments.
Sixth through eighth grades continue to master the art of their instrument and how to perform in an ensemble. Students participate in marching and concert bands throughout the year, usually performing in Veterans Day, Festival of Trees, and Christmas and spring concerts as well as the Labor Day parade.

Traditionally, Holy Cross presents a spring musical, casting all interested students from kindergarten through eighth grade. Auditions are held for the main roles, and additional opportunities are available for students to work behind the scenes.

Weekly art classes are provided for grades K through fifth and an elective for sixth through eighth grades. Student artists explore various mediums from sketching and painting to weaving and sculpting.
Students are encouraged to participate and share their work within the community through The News-Gazette Design-an-Ad Contest and local art exhibits.