About PTC
The Parent Teacher Club is a social and fundraising organization for our school community. PTC is fueled by family volunteers. PTC welcomes any parent, guardian, or grandparent of a Holy Cross student to join us and get involved. Families who volunteer and participate have noted in the past that it’s a lot of fun to work alongside fellow HCS families!
The PTC email address is hcsptc@gmail.com.

PTC Meetings
PTC meetings are held once a quarter in the school library to coordinate events and plan ways to support our students and teachers. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. Come and make your voice heard!
PTC Committees
- Hot Dog Day
- Halloween Fall Festival (PK-5)
- HC+ (Middle School Social Events)
- Kris Kringle Christmas Store
- Catholic Schools Week Celebration
- Trivia Night
- Bingo
- Family Night Out
- Room Parent Coordinator
- Staff Appreciation Day
- Development Committee
- Uniform Exchange Closet
- HCS Apparel Sales

If you would like to know more about any of these committees or to volunteer for a committee, please email hcsptc@gmail.com.
PTC provides funds towards teacher grants for classroom needs, field trips, library resources, athletic booster projects, and teacher appreciation. PTC also supports large-scale, school-wide projects, such as refurbishing the playground equipment.